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25/02/2016 11:09

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An alarming number of people in our world are suffering from anxiety disorders and depressed.

Depression can happen to anyone and cause people to harm themselves by cutting, eating disorders, drugs, alcohol.

Some are filled with so much anger and bitterness they may harm others emotionally or physically.

It is vitally important to reach out to them with the love of Jesus, and teach them the beautiful stories of the Bible, so they may be set free to become the godly men and women God created them to be.

Today let's turn to Mark 5:1-21 and watch our Savior transform the life of someone who was hurting, in his miraculous way...

Jesus and his disciples traveled by sea to the country of the Gadarenes.

When they got out of the ship they met a man with an unclean spirit.

He lived in the tombs of the dead and was deeply troubled.

Day and night he would cry and cut himself with stones to try to release the pain in his heart... but nothing helped.

The people were afraid of him and often bound him with chains to prevent him from hurting himself, or someone else.

When he saw Jesus in the distance, he ran and worshipped him.

The man cried out in a loud voice, "What have I to do with you, Jesus, Son of the most high God.  I beg you not to torment me."

This man had something in his past, that left him feeling abandoned by everyone.

His depression caused him to fall into a pit of darkness and despair.

Jesus had compassion on him and said, Come out of this man, you unclean spirit.... and asked, What is your name?

The man fell to his knees and worshipped Jesus. He admitted he was in torment and needed Jesus' help.

In love Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to leave the man's body.

The spirit replied, "My name is Legion, for we are many. Please do not send us out of the country."

There was a great herd of pigs nearby and they begged Jesus to allow them to enter into the swine.

Jesus commanded the evil spirits to leave and they entered into the bodies of the pigs.

Suddenly the pigs became violent and about 2000 of them stampeded off the side of a cliff and were drowned in the sea.

The owners of the pigs were afraid and ran into the city to tell the townspeople the frightful things they just had witnessed.

Soon the curious people from the city appeared and saw the man who was possessed by a devil, clothes and in his right mind.

The people evidently were more upset about the loss of their livestock than the healing of the man.  They begged Jesus to leave their land and wanted nothing to do with him.

When Jesus entered into the ship, the man asked if he could go with him.

Jesus replied, Go home to your friends and tell them the great things the Lord has done for you and of his compassion for you.

The man was overjoyed and began to publish in Decapolis, everything that Jesus had done for him.

So today I ask you... are tormented by something in your past and harming your body in hopes to release the pain. 

Are you so desperate that you've considered suicide?

Maybe you try to drown your sorrows with alcohol or drugs...

Perhaps you are holding bitterness and unforgiveness against someone who hurt you physically or verbally many years ago.

You may be upset because your parents divorced or angry that they abused or abandoned you.

Satan wants to keep you chained to your sin and tells you that nobody loves you.

You think everyone is talking about you or plotting against you...

But the truth is...

Before you were formed in the womb God knew you and had a good plan for your life.

Your body is His cherished possession and He doesn't want you to hurt or harm it any more.

When you're hurting, God can give you comfort.

When you're sick, He can heal you.

When you're weary, He can give you rest.

God loved you so much that He sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins.

His blood was shed for you and by His stripes, You are healed.

Cutting yourself and shedding your blood, won't solve anything.

Only Jesus can take away your pain and change your circumstances.

He can take your mess and turn it into a miracle.

He loves you and see your tears.

Bow down and worship Jesus as the man did.

Lay your pain down at the foot of the cross and let Him heal you this very moment.

Let Jesus turn those scars into bright stars of hope and peace.

Your loving Saviour is standing at the door of your heart knocking.

He promises to never leave you or forsake you.

If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.

For I will restore health unto thee, and I will heal thee of thy wounds, saith the LORD; because they called thee an Outcast.  Jeremiah 30:17

Have a beautiful and blessed day!
Valerie Rousseau

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