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05/02/2016 14:47

(Photo courtesy of Hayk Senekerimyan)

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Social media and dating sites have become a new way to meet people and interact with others from around the globe... yet sadly; scams and predators have hurt thousands of innocent victims.

Many are women who were looking for love, and gave their bodies to a man in the heat of passion; only to find out he was only interested in a one night stand.
Others are victims of rape, incest, prostitution, terrorism, or pornography.
God has left us stories in the Bible about hurting people who made mistakes in judgment, so we will understand how much he loves and cares about all kinds of people.
There is no one who has committed sins too horrible to be forgiven by our loving and merciful Father and Creator.
(Today's devotion is from Luke 7 beginning with vs. 36)
There was a Pharisee named, Simon who had invited Jesus to dinner at his home. As they sat down to the meal, a woman, who was a sinner, entered the house and brought an alabaster box of costly perfume.
Tears flowed from her eyes like rain on Jesus' feet, washing the dust from them.
She knelt kissing his feet, and dried them with her hair.
She then opened a box of sweet smelling perfume and anointed his head and feet. 
When Simon, the owner of the house, saw what she had done, he thought to himself...
if this man was a prophet, he would know this woman is a sinner.
Jesus could read his thoughts and wanted to put a stop to his hypocritical behavior... so he began to tell a story... in his quiet, thought provoking way...
Two men owed money to their master. One owed 500 denarii and another man owed 50 denarii. (a denarii is a coin worth about a day's wages)
The master, out of the goodness of his heart, canceled both debts.
Jesus asked Simon, which man would love the master more?
Simon replied, Probably the one who owed the biggest debt.
Jesus said... you are correct. Do you see this woman?  When I came into your house, you didn't wash my feet... but her tears washed the dust from my feet and she dried them with her hair. You gave me no kiss, but from the time I arrived, she has not stopped kissing my feet. You gave me no oil to anoint my heart, but she has anointed my head and feet. Her many sins have been forgiven, for she has great love for me.
He who has been forgiven little, loves little.
Jesus turned to the woman and assured her... Your sins are forgiven... go in peace.
The other guests spoke among themselves...who is this man who forgives sins?
Jesus had a powerful heart of compassion. He could see the pain the woman was in.
Perhaps she had been abused or mistreated in her past.
Whatever her sins were, they weighed heavily upon her shoulders.
Respectable women of those days did not let down their hair in front of men... and washing feet was usually done by the lowliest of servants.
Her humble offering to Jesus was given from her heart... and was so pleasing to Jesus, he had a memorial placed in the Bible about her.
She never asked Jesus for anything, but he saw her broken and repentant spirit.
He didn’t mock, belittle, or add to her shame... but rather, treated her with dignity, acceptance, and love.
He boldly stood up to the man who tried to criticize and judge her.
Simon had a judgmental spirit and could not love Jesus or the woman from a pure heart.
He didn't think he had any sins to be forgiven.
Like this woman, I have many sins that Jesus had to suffer and die for.
He saw my heart and has forgiven me.
He offers to freely do the same for anyone who humbly confesses, and admits they need forgiveness.
For years, I kept my pain inside my heart in a box of bitterness and self-pity.
I felt no one would understand, but Jesus did.  
For me, like breaking open the alabaster box of pain and laying it at Jesus' feet. It is my offering to him.
My hope and prayer is to help others find healing and forgiveness too.
Today our world is in a war. The enemy is sin, hate, prejudice, and unforgiveness.
People are fighting for liberation and freedom... but there are terrorists inside the homes of many people every day.
They are addicts, alcoholics, spouse abusers, and child molesters... disguised as regular, ordinary people. They may be a father, mother, husband, pastor, teacher, coach, or friend.
Every day their families fear for their lives. The pain is intense and as a family of God we must examine carefully our behavior.
We must be sure that we are not judging someone, for we have not walked in their shoes.
They may even attend our church or teach our children at school. 
It’s important to interact with people and listen intently; one on one... to actually see the pain in their eyes.
So beloved... how has your week been?
Do you feel empty, alone, and afraid of the future?
Has someone wounded you with their inconsiderate words or behavior?
Jesus loves you and sees the pain in your heart. He longs to take you in his arms and rescue you from the pit of despair.
Kneel at his feet and break open your alabaster box of pain right now.
Let his nail scarred hands, lift you up and make you whole.
Heavenly Father,
Thank you for this beautiful new day and for the wonderful story of this sinful woman, just like me.
Forgive me for not always taking the time to listen to others, or recognize the pain inside their hearts. Forgive me for judging others, instead of dealing with my own inadequacies.
I need Jesus as my Savior.  I accept the free gift of salvation through His death on the cross for my sins. Wash my unclean heart and mind in His blood.  Help me to think good thoughts and have a pure heart in all my actions, words, and reactions. 
We lift up prayers to You for all who are victims of terror or abuse. Rescue them from the hands of evil. Especially save our children, LORD. They are often, too young to escape. Father please help the helpless.  Heal their emotional scars and exchange their pain for peace.
With You there is hope. With You there is mercy and deliverance!
We lift up prayers to you for all the marriages who are broken. We ask for your healing touch to enter their hearts. 
Help them to forgive and begin their marriage again, with you leading and guiding their homes.
We love you and thank you for always hearing and answering our prayers.
In Jesus' name we pray...
Have a beautiful and blessed day!
Valerie Rousseau

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